Otacon/hal emmerich
Hal Emmerich is Solid Snakes partner and is with him all the way.He and snake met on Shadow moses after liquid and the genome
army took over.Otacon helps snake through anything.He and snake formed an anti-metal gear organization called philantrophy
to rid the world of metal gears.
Jack or raiden went through numerous VR missions as a adult.He infiltrated the Big Shell to rescue the president but the later
teamed up with snake to take on arsenal gear.He later finds out that he was a platton leader of a small boy unit.As he thinks
this is his first real mission he has more field experience than he thinks.
E.E./emma emmerich
E.E. or emma emmerich is hal emmerichs sister.hal left her when she was very little. She goes to the big shell to do AI on
Arsenal but later Vamp kills her.
Olga Gurlukavich
Olga gulukavich is a platoon leader.She becomes pregnat on the battle field.She ends up having her baby in a hospital run
by the patriots.they take her child.She joins snake and raiden on the big shell incident.later she ends up being killed by
Solidus Snake.
Rose is Raidens girlfreind who helps him via codec.She was a spy who was sent to keep an eye on him by the patriots.At the
end of MGS2 she tells raiden that she is pregnat.
Roy Campbell
Col Campbell supported snake VIA codec during the shadow moses incident.his daughter is meryl and thats one of the reasons
campbell is helping with shadow moses.
Meryl is campbells niece.She wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps so she became a soldier.She teams up with Snake to
take on REX but later Sniper Wolf kills her.
Mei Ling
Mei ling helped Snake via Codec during the Shadow Moses incident.
Naomi helped Snake via codec during the shadow moses incident.She is also responciple for the Foxdie program.
Gray Fox
Gray Fox Helped Snake through MGS. All he really wanted was one last battle with Snake.later liquid killed him.
Major helped Big Boss via radio in asia during the virtuous mission and operation snake eater.
Para-medic helped Big Boss via radio in Asia during the virtuous mission and operation snake eater.
Sigint helped Big Boss via radio in asia during operation Snake eater.
Eva helped Big Boss in Asia.She also spyed on Volgin. After She left Big Boss she She disapered.
Sokolov is the creator of the shagohod.he was killed by Volgin.