Solid Snake infiltrates a tanker to get photographic evidence of the new metal gear.A cypher took pitures of snake and released
them on the web to put a stop to there anti-metal gear projects.Ocelot killed gurlukavich and marine commander scott dolph
and sunk the tanker.Then a camouflage BIG SHELL was put around it to start the development of arsenal gear.Raiden infiltrates
the big shell to safe guard the president.he then teams up with pliskin later to be revieled as snake to take on solidus and
his men.raiden takes on all of dead cell and kills fatman maybe vamp.While taking on solidus and his men raiden is forced
to take on a bunch of ray units.He destroys 5 of them and gives up. olga trys to save him and solidus killes her.Arsenal gear
then crash lands on federal haul and raiden kills solidus.Liquid was last seen in a ray chasing after the patriots.