Metal Gear D (1999)
The metal gear D is a completed version of metal gear tx-55.It was desinged in zanzibar during the zanzibar riot.Its weopons
were a vulcan cannon,a 6 load missle pod,and 1 nuclear missle.It was destroyed by "Solid Snake".
Metal Gear Rex (2005)
Metal gear rex was the third metal gear.It was made on the shadow moses island.The creator was Hal Emmerich or "Otacon".The
weopons were 2 machine guns,a vulcan cannon,a railgun,and 8 nukes on its back.It was destroyed by who else "solid Snake".
Metal gear ray (2007)
Metal gear Ray was developed by the marines.It is amphibious and can land on any shoreline.25 rays protected arsenal gear.The
weopons were 2 vulcan cannons,2 missle pods,and a hydro cutter.It was defeated by raiden.
Arsenal Gear (2009)
Arsenal gear is the 5th metal gear.It was desined to control the flow of was guarded by an army of 25 mass
prouduced ray units.It crashed into Federal Haul after the AI went crazy.It was armed with 1000 nuclear warheads and 1 purified
hydregin bomb.
The MGS series is made and operated by Konami
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